Who is stalking the Stalkperch?

Sunday 16 January 2011

Woo-Hoo it works..............Egg on yer Face to all you unbelievers!!

OK, it's only at "mock-up" stage.
We had originally wanted to make our own tents but costing
this out proved prohibitively expensive.....so we bought them.

But it looks like working....

~ The Dream ~

~ The Reality ~

....it has a side door for stepping into it....

....and is high enough to sit up in....

....as my "young" assistant Drake Sleepditch demonstrates....

Yes he does exist, just like Eddie Stalkperch does!

...woo-hoo indeed...

....Bow view....

....another bow view....

...a Stern view....

....an inside shot....

....A tissue for anyone?....

Grins Eddie


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