Who is stalking the Stalkperch?

Tuesday, 28 December 2010


This is our Eddie Stalkperch cartoon.

Drawn by Ickle Pete, a great friend of our Mum.

We fink it's great

Hope you like it too


The Concept............A Tent on a Canoe

For our trip/adventure I wanted a Canoe and a Tent as we would be touring and trying to be as self sufficient as possible for 5-6 days.
Then I thought of a "Tent ON a Canoe" and started asking and looking and got some help and advice here.

There are a number of ideas that have fallen onto the "Cutting Room floor", but some "Mad" ones that have been improved upon and utilised in the build..... More on this and these later.




Ever wondered where "IT" is?

I found it, Shit Creek, well at least the road to it!

Looks like a nice place too.

I wonder if there are any-more out there?

As ever




2011 Darwin Award

Although we are not looking to be awarded or even nominated for one, there have been some people out there that think we might end up with a
2011 Darwin Award.........lets hope not!


as always


 “Be brave enough to live life creatively. The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. You [can only get there] by hard work and risk and by not quite knowing what you are doing. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover will be yourself.”
Alan Alda.......yes, that one!


The route.......so far.

Our route from source to sea and starts at Sth Witham ish to Boston and is about 83 miles depending on our "put-in" point. We hope to get through the sea gates and get to the sea!

We will have to miss a military range with an exclusion zone that includes the Witham just upstream of Stapleford Yikes!!!!

Fingers crossed



Help and GREAT advise from all these Guys n Gals

I have had an amazing amount of help and advice from here Song of the Paddle

Yes I have my knockers, but even those have helped me too, with anything from construction to buoyancy

; ) phnah phnah



It's me, Eddie Stalkperch

Hello everyone, My name is Eddie Stalkperch.
I'm not a real person, I'm an anagram of "Shit Creek Paddle",
a popular phrase.......but not a popular place.

My Blog is about a canoe build and a canoe trip with my Brother and Cousin + others wanting to tag along, on an 80ish mile, 5 day trip down the River Witham
from source'ish to sea'ish in Spring 2011

I hope you enjoy following this Blog. It will include;
  1. The concept
  2. The planning
  3. The build
  4. The trip photos
  5. Our entry into the 2011 Darwin Awards
  6. + other little Bit's n' Bobs

That's all for now folks

