Who is stalking the Stalkperch?

Friday, 14 January 2011

Gimbal Cooker....Well the Science behind it ZZzzzzz........

gimbal, also called a gimbal ring, is a mechanical device consisting of two or more rings mounted on axes at right angles to each other.

An object mounted on a three ring gimbalwill remain horizontally suspended on a plane between the rings regardless as to the stability of the base.

Gimbals have a wide range of practical uses ranging from film to aerospace applications.

I intend to fit one to a gas stove for my canoe.

gimbal may be used to keep objects level in unstable environments--for example, many dashboard mounted cup-holders are gimbals.

Gimbals are also extremely valuable in shipboard and aircraft environments, when measuring instruments such as chronometers and compasses must be kept level with the horizon. 

Because gimbals allow objects to move through three dimensions, they are often used in film to recreate sudden motion caused by turbulence or rough seas.

Gimbals also appear in situations where an object needs to pivot or swivel widely as is often the case with movie cameras or rocket engines. Gimbals are extraordinarily useful tools in a wide range of industries.

My Stove
....Well the theory so far!!!!

Hi Gear Blaze Titanium Gas Stove....

....coupled with one of these....

....then that goes onto one of these....


....and not....

What do you call a monkey in a minefield? ... A Baboom!

....Paul likes telling this joke....
....Claire laughs every time she hears it....


....HMmmmmm......or is it the other way round?

Eddie......worries about Science sometimes



1st of all thank you to all who gave me canoe presents and also to those who gave other pressies too

From my Mrs

A membership to Hinckley Canoe Club for the rest of this season,
some money towards some lessons to help keep me safe,
and I also got £30 in vouchers at Up & Under Watersports

So I bought a..
Light my fire Scout....
....to keep me warm....
....And a Life Venture Titanium Mug,
pure luxury for a nice hot coffee....

Dennis and Frances gave me £20 towards my Tent
Thank you....to help keep me dry

Claire and Ian
Thanx XX
Hi Gear Trail 4 Cook-set
....to cook my Troll Dinnahs on

Brother Joe
Cheers Bro and thanks with the help canoe building,
so glad we did it together.

A waterproof stuff sack....
....for MY stuff NOT yours!!

Adela & Nigel
£30 towards my Tent to give me shelter.
Cheers  you two XX

Mila, Dan Kayla & Zac
Thanks for my head torch to show me the way XXXX

Karen and Brian
Thanks for helping me get informed....

Open Canoe Technique by Nigel Foster 

and this sign for MY garage so Keep Clear!!!!

Also from my Secret Santa at Song of the Paddle forum....
a LOMO Stuff Sack for my other stuff that I will "need".

I have also bought some unbreakable knives and forks
and a folding washing up bowl too with money from my Aunty Beryl.

Thank you all for giving, I just have to use them and wear them out.

Happy Christmas Everyone

